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City Council Discusses Opportunity for Residents to Consider Future Projects

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June 21, 2024


Sugar Land City Council recently identified an opportunity for residents to consider projects for a future bond election.

A bond election will provide residents a choice to consider funding up to $350 million for proposed capital projects over the next 5-7 years, which equates to approximately $300 million in project costs in 2024 dollars.

Potential projects include resident priorities that focus on public safety, streets, traffic and sidewalks, drainage, municipal facilities, and an expanded scope for the planned animal shelter. 

Residents identified the potential projects through years of public feedback including the most recent Citizen Satisfaction Survey, as well as sentiment surveys, community meetings, various master plans and City Council input. 

Projects would be funded with a potential tax rate increase of no more than 5 cents, which is equivalent to an incremental monthly cost to the average resident of less than $5 per month annually – or approximately $20 per month by 2030.

The bond propositions and costs to be included in a November election are expected to be finalized at a future meeting when formal action is expected to be taken to call the election. 

“This workshop was a crucial step in our ongoing efforts to respond to our residents. We are committed to being responsive to our community as evidenced by the extensive work we’ve done to complete drainage, mobility and parks projects approved by voters in 2019 and 2013,” said Sugar Land Mayor Joe R. Zimmerman. “This election will give our residents the choice to consider future projects that we’ve been told are important.”

According to Sugar Land’s last Citizen Satisfaction Survey, 95 percent of residents love calling Sugar Land home. Sugar Land continues to maintain one of the state’s lowest tax rates while also providing the high level of services expected of citizens, including capital projects that address key citizen priorities.

Comprehensive community engagement and education will be conducted prior to the election. This will take place at community meetings, HOA meetings, and special events.

 For more information about the proposed projects, opportunities to provide feedback and to sign up to receive notifications visit www.sugarlandtx.gov/SLBond2024.